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Sunday, January 31, 2010


oh yeah.... haha... When I went to work just now, Ron was there. He ask me if I already bought my ticket. I said yea. He was like "shit". And I told him I want to extend my leave. He said " oh no, Sophie no... Pls...." I was like why? He said Lea is also taking 2 weeks leave cos he got exam. Then Ho Joon is taking leave as well to go back to Korea. Then I said "ok, I will come back on the 18th instead of 23th" He said thanks. And I mention again to extend my leave and he said the same thing. Ahhh!!!!! Shit la!!!! I wanted to stay longer. Why Why Why!!!!????? Haiz.....

ps: 1 day and 5 hours to go!!!!! = 29 hours to go!!!!!

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