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Friday, January 15, 2010

work with ang mo

Walao.... today is the worst working day ever la i think. Cause I work with all the ang mos le. Kanasai. Me, Carlee(Perth KFC big boss's wife) and Alex in the lobby. Then Mandy pack and Damien hand out. Shan, the 14 year old indian guy did burger but his english was damn good cause i think he grew up in aussie. OMG!!!! Dun really like to work with them lor. Cause their english damn good de. And the slang also eventhough I understand, but I scare I will make mistake when talk to them and takin orders. Actually Leah suppose to work today. But she said she is busy with her Uni stuff. So, she give me her shift. I work till close. And guess what, Carlee offers to drop me home. She is so good. :)

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