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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

goodbye lovely world!

One day, if i never answer your calls, reply your message and you just couldn't get through me, which means that I'm no longer exist in this world.

Happy that i passed my final for monday class(Implement and Evaluate nursing care) but very sad that I got a R(re-enrol) for communication assignment. SHIT!!! That bitch, Felicity, once again trying to failed me on my assignment. I have to re-enrol. NO WAY! I will never let this happen. NEVER!! I wanna complain and appeal and say that I'm not being judged fairly. Other people on other group with different lecturer passed their assignment but why not me? To tell the truth, I actualy copy some from a friend of mine from other group who passed. Why Felicity failed me? Different lecturer mark differently. That bitch is so rude and look down on ASIAN especially chinese!

I passed smoothly all my assignment and assessment for other unit but die in this stupid communication unit. NO WAY!! I can communicate man! FELICITY, YOU BETTER WATCH OUT!

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