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Monday, July 19, 2010

end of holidays :'(

Omg!!! Holiday is ending. Sibeh fast. Tuesday start class liao. Will be dead tired this sem. Timetable is killing me!!! and also work. Classes on Monday until Thursday from 9am to 4pm. omg!! Which means I have to wake up at 6am and wait for the bus at 7.15am and i will reach home at about 6.30pm. And this life will go on until December. Only Wednesday class finish at 12pm. Which means I have to cook once I get home and bring food to Uni everyday. Will I do that? Dunno la. Cook also dunno but want to cook.

And I am working on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. From 5 until close. Sure die la. Sure not enough sleep and no entertainment. This sem must really pia d. Cannot play play liao. Ti Kong Peh ar!!! Please po pi me so that I can pass all my assignments and assessments smoothly. I cant afford to re-enrol.

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