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Sunday, December 13, 2009

courtesy of my cheap working shoes

Arghhh...... something mempersiahsuehkan happened just now at work. Guess what? I fell down. HAHAHAHAH!!!!!! we were about to clear everything and Leah pour the water on the floor. The floor today was super unusual. It was dirty in a way, disgusting, geli. And this make the floor more slippery. Plus my super cheap shoes which only cost me bout $8(RM24). Ronald and Leah help me up. Ronald keep on asking me 'are you alright'. I was like, 'yea, yea, dun worry' Cause he will get the blame. Sorry Ronald. I will get a better shoes soon.

My house owner fetch me to work today as she was going to Big W. So, she ask me and she drop me. How good is she. Thanks a lot.

I suppose to finish work at 10pm today. But Ronald ask if i can stay up to 11pm. I said sure, no problem. And I ask Lisa if she can fetch me back. But she finish at bout 11.30pm or 12am. she ask me if I am ok with that. I said sure. But she have not pay her car's ONO. So, she can't drive her car. So, Freddie fetch me back. Really thanks a lot to them. I reach home at about 12am. I will not ask any of them to fetch me back next time. It gives them trouble and waste their petrol I think. So, next time if i work night shift, I will just walk home eventhough I know it is dangerous. But I have no choice.

I don't know why is face growing so many big red pimples. And it rally hurt. How le har? My face is getting worse. :(

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