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Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009 Christmas and work

Yesterday was christmas and today is Boxing day. So, it's public holiday. This year's Christmas is the worst for me. Why? Because no one celebrate with me. Eventhough I don't really celebrate christmas in Malaysia, but at least I got my famalies and friends with me. But for this year, I got no one beside me. How pity I was. No work on christmas day. So, i stay in my room the whole day with my laptop. And i went out from my room just to cook maggi and shower and to the toilet. :(

As for boxing day, I got work at 5pm to 10pm. I woke up at about 1.30pm. As usual, online and eat. What I ate for lunch? Plain rice with fried egg. Then i walked to work. I reached work at about 4.25pm. I suppose to start work at 5pm. I went early to work because it was DOUBLE PAY as it is a public holiday and we have to work. So, i went to work early. BUT the manager on duty is Alex(I hate him). Too bad, i cant clock in early.
He ask me "what time you start work?"
I said "5pm"
and he said "is it time yet?"
and I was like "oh nope"
So, I cant clock in early as he was using the computer. I went to help to make burgers. After that when people who work night shift started to come and they clock in. So, I clock in as well at 4.55pm. I worked 30 minutes free for KFC. WTF!!!!
Thank god it was not so busy as it is a public holiday. Many people went to the city and all. I kinda like today because of double pay and not busy at all.
At about 8.30pm, Alex called me and told me that I will finish at 9.30pm instead of 10pm because it is not busy at all and kfc close at 10pm not 11pm. I was like, ok.
My job for today is the lobby. I have to wipe the table, clear the bin, sweep the floor and mop the floor. So, I was taking my own sweet time doing those jobs as i want to stay longer for money. haha.... And Alex keep asking me whether I already finish my job. If so, I can clock out. In my heart was like WTH!!!! I did my job and I clock out at 9.54pm. After that I bought a bottle of pepsi and got customers start coming in. So, I have to serve them as everyone is busy cleaning and washing. More and more customers came in. So, I am the one who served all of them. Again, I work for free. And after serving all the customers, it is already 10.15pm. I worked extra 20 minutes free for KFC. So, altogether is 50 minutes free for KFC. Arghhh..... if not i can get extra $19. Stupid Alex.....!!!!!! After that, I wanted to get some chicken to eat with my housemates. But while I served those customers, all the other staff already took all the chicken. AND NOTHING LEFT FOR ME!!!!! So not my day. After work I have to walk home again. Why is not Ronald on duty????? Ronald is way too good and he doesn't even care if you curi makan. Geram sia!!!!

ps: I hate Alex because he always ask me to go back as soon as I finished my job. And I think he hates me as well. He can jokes with other staff but when come to me, he is serious. Is it because I am new??? I don't think so. He don't treat christina and kah kee like that. So what if you are handsome. Fuck off la!!!

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