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Monday, October 12, 2009

start of 4th term of 2009

Today is da first day of fourth term. Math class today. Bought a CD for math class few weeks ago. And I thought it is a must to buy it. $35 for a CD. So expensive. I dun have to buy it actually. I can just lend from my friend and install it in my laptop. But Jean, the bitch said everyone must have dat CD. She is really a bitch.

I got back my results for my report writing and essay for second attempt. Unfortunately, I fail my essay for second attempt. Jean, the bitch said I have to re-enrol for the whole unit. That's ridiculous. A lot of people fail the essay. Jillian got the chance to pass her essay cos Jean, the bitch gonna look back her essay. I showed her my essay and she said 'I not goin to look at it. Too many mistakes. WTH!!! I went to see Jeff, and he said only got a few minor mistakes. I HATE JEAN. SHE IS A BITCH!!!!! I gonna see Wendy on wednesday to ask her bout my enrolment. And tell her about Jean.

The happy part is, me and Jillian is the only one who past the report writing other than 4 peoples who passed the whole unit. Kinda happy bout it. That bitch said there is 2 person who dun have to resit the report writing and me and Jill was thinking the same thing, definitely wont be us. But it is. haha...

Me and Jillian went to see Jeff today to get help for our english which was asked to do so by Wendy. So, we went today and Jeff said it is just a minor problem for my grammar. Again, Jean, the bitch's trying to fail us. Damn it...

And I have to start doing my stupid chemistry essay which is quite hard. Hopefully I can do it. I dun want to fail anything. Sophie, GAMMBATEHHHH!!!!!

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