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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

room mate to-be

yippeeee..... last nite the owner told me dat if i share room with rani, our rent will reduce till $80 each person. So happy. It is soooo cheap....
BUT im going to share room with Rani, the dirty gal. haiz.... Bo pian la... cheap ma. She is soooo dirty. She messed up my room. Chips here and there, gum wrapper, empty chips packet, half eaten apple, her towel, shampoo, lotion, pen, comb, bottles, empty bowls.... Look at her own room. So clean and tidy. OMG!!!! She is so dirty. She 2 days shower once only. Den she wear the same shirt she use to cook for few days.
We suppose to vaccum my room dis morning. BUT i went to wake her up at 10.30am and she continue sleeping untill 12.30pm. WTF!!!! I have to clean her stuff in my room and vaccum my room alone. Where can liddat wan. She alwiz get up in the afternoon den shower and all and she get herself ready in one and the half hour time. Walao.... and she take her own sweet time in the bathroom shower. Die la liddat. After we move to the same room, I think im the one who do all the cleaning.
Im so stupid. I shouldn't ask her to move to my place. But wat to do. She asked bout the empty room. I got no choice. Den now the owner reduce our rent sumore. haiz.... bo pian... for the sake of cheap room.
We suppose to go to the city today to have Taka for lunch. But now is already 1.20pm. I dunno wat she's doing. In the shower I think. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!

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