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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

bored with the ppl around me

Im bored with my friends around me. Why??? Cause they all already in a relationship and they keep telling me Jerard this Jerard that(for Jilian). As for Rani, well, I think she going to start with Mufamba. Yesterday Mufamba came to our house. Actually me, rani and jilian already planned last week to accompany jilian to meet her friend from malaysia for lunch. Then mufamba and phillip suddenly tell us that they coming to our house and wanna cook for us. I already think that must have something wan cos they suddenly tell us dat without informing us earlier. But we told them that we actually going out for lunch. So, they followed us and Mufamba like die die wan to come to our house. So, no choice la. We let him come.

He wanted to come to our house to share things with rani and wanted to understand rani more. So, I have to like let them in the room then i went to shower. Yesterday was the longest shower time in my life. I actually spent more then 30 minutes in the toilet just to let them be together in our room(I already move to a room with rani). I take my own sweet time shower, trying to exercise, squating down dreaming and wanted to call Jilian but my mobile phone in the room. Then i was thinking why must I do that? That is my room also. I don't have to act liddat. But then I dun wan to be a lamp post ma. After shower I went back to my room and started fb-ing den I actually very hardworking yesterday cos I did my maths and I practise a lot of questions while listening to very loud music with earphones and they actually can hear that im listening to very very loud music. I am the best la. I think they shar a lot of things.

I already suffer a lot cause rani actually told me mufamba this and mufamba dat, she miss her la, keep on showing me his picture la..... Sien la. My friend in malacca still the best. hahaha.... miss you ppl lots. muackkssss

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